OpenPlant Modeler Help

Static Bracing - Distance tab

Used for managing the edge distances depending on the bolt diameter which have to be respected when the bracing shapes are installed.

(Distance List) Displays the list of distances per bolt diameter.
  • Bolt Dia – The diameter of the connect bolt.
  • Edge- 1st Hole – Distance of the outermost hole axis in the bracing rod to the rod front edge.
  • Hole – Hole – Spacing of the hole axes in longitudinal direction.
  • nthHole – Edge – Spacing of the outermost hole axis in the gusset.
You can directly click on the corresponding entries and the processing mode will be switched on. Then you can double-click and directly enter the value.
Edge distance to borderline Sets the desired distance of the bracing rods to the limit edges. This is the minimum distance between bracing rods and the selected border edges.
Bracing rod shortening Sets the value by which the bracing rod has to be shortened in the middle after its insertion. Thus, the rod will be kept in tension.